From The Principal

“The world no longer cares how much our students know: Knowledge is a commodity as they can look it up. The world cares about what our students do with what they know, which is an entirely different education problem.”
(Wagner, T. 2009)

Emmanuel Catholic College is a vibrant, contemporary, innovative, learning environment, situated 23 km’s south of the Perth CBD. Situated in a high population growth area, the College has experienced a steady increase in student enrolment since its foundation in 1998. With such growth a ‘Permanent Change of Operation’ occurred in 2024 culminating with the current student population standing at 1218, the highest in the College’s history. 

The College’s innovative practice and the success experienced over the last 12 months has been nothing short of outstanding, receiving numerous accolades, media attention and widespread interest from a large number of schools both at a state, national and international level. The College has firmly placed itself at the cutting edge of educational transformation and is delivering exceptionally high outcomes for both staff, students and the wider community.

A distinctive feature is our emphasis on fostering innovation and ingenuity among both students and teachers, cultivating an environment of continuous improvement and adaptability. Our introduction in 2023 of Emmanuel Flexiday, a four-day week for Year 12 students and 100-minute learning blocks exemplifies this approach. The College’s educational philosophy is centred on the acquisition of skills over content and places the health and wellbeing of both students and staff at the centre of all we do, significantly transforming education away from the traditional paradigm towards an engaging and inspirational model that has significantly enhanced both the day-to-day experience and overall secondary educational journey of both staff, students and the wider community.

As a College we strive to be at the cutting edge of educational transformation through the provision of a ‘fit for purpose’ 21st Century Education immersing students in their interests, nurturing a lifelong love for learning and personal development, highlighting contemporary and high-quality pedagogical practices, customised to cater to each student’s unique needs. 

We provide a ‘fit for purpose’ 21st century individualised education through the provision of a multitude of pathways that span all learning areas, focussing on real world application, enhancing student capabilities, fostering student independence and embracing community links. Our aim is to ensure our students are provided with an authentic opportunity to find their niche, discover a passion, and inspire them to reach previously unimagined heights.

The College website provides a glance into our community and its daily life, with all it offers and the opportunities available. I hope it enriches your understanding of our wonderful school. We are certainly proud of Emmanuel Catholic College and look forward to it continuing to distinguish itself as the school of choice in the local area.

Mr Paul Watson
College Principal

“Make no mistake, this world needs all types of children. The quiet, easy-going peacekeepers that sit still and observe. The loud, shake-it-up, feel it deep, change makers that are always on the go. And every unique soul in between.”
(Dr Mary O’Kane)