Instrument/Equipment Loan Agreement Form

Instrument and Equipment Loan Agreement Form

This form must be completed prior to the loan of Emmanuel instruments or equipment.

Contact Details

This form must be completed and any hire fees paid prior to the loan of Emmanuel Instruments or Equipment. Instruments are generally only loaned out for one year with the expectation that students will purchase their own in their second year of tuition.
Student Name(Required)
Student Year Level(Required)
Parent/Guardian Name(Required)

Details of Instrument/Equipment on Loan

If applicable.
DD slash MM slash YYYY
DD slash MM slash YYYY
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Officer Receiving Returned Equipment


Fair wear and tear excepted, and for the duration of this transfer, I/we agree to indemnify Emmanuel Catholic College against loss or damage from any cause whatsoever, to the equipment detailed herein and, in the event of damage to restore and deliver such equipment to Emmanuel Catholic College, in the condition in which it was received, or to replace the damaged equipment with other equipment of equivalent functionality.
DD slash MM slash YYYY


The equipment described, at all times, remains the property of Emmanuel Catholic College and is issued on loan to the parent/guardian for the benefit of the student subject to the following conditions.

Loan Agreement Approval

In consideration of the student having the benefit of the equipment, I accept the loan of the equipment on the terms described above and I agree to supervise the student’s use of the equipment to ensure the terms of this loan agreement are complied with and agree to be personally responsible for the failure of the student to comply with the terms of this loan agreement.
DD slash MM slash YYYY
I have read and understood the above terms. I acknowledge my responsibility to use the equipment in accordance with the above terms.
DD slash MM slash YYYY