Staff Showcase: George O’Brien

Deputy Principal of Pastoral Care

Tell us a bit about your background, where did you come from?
I have been in education for the last 18 years, as both a History teacher and in various leadership roles in Pastoral Care. I have come to Emmanuel from Chisholm, where I have been for the last six years. Prior to that I was at Prendiville Catholic College.

What are your aspirations at Emmanuel and what do you hope to achieve?
As Deputy Principal of Pastoral Care, my aim is to support the development of the whole student and to help them become the best version of themselves. I look forward to working with the Heads of Year and teaching staff to build upon the wonderful work already done here in Pastoral Care and in the Pastoral Care program.

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself.
I love playing the drums and I am obsessed with Lego, courtesy of my seven year old!