Virtual Camino De Santiago

The global pandemic may have limited our physical travel, however, it has not limited our Year 12 ATAR Religion and Life students as they travel the Catholic ‘virtual pilgrimage’ of the Camino de Santiago!

The world famous Camino takes the pilgrim on a journey from the South of France to North West region of Spain. The practise of Pilgrimage allows the participant personal reflection in nature whilst also being present in the moment. It is a practise that takes us away from the pressures of the material world.

During the next few weeks we will take time to walk as a class around the College grounds, not only to record our digital steps but as a means of making time for personal reflection. This process is continued as the class teacher leads the students in personal reflection time allowing the students to discover and learn how the physical practise of walking a pilgrimage can bring internal transformation and freedom.

Miss Lana Turner – Head of Religious Education