Warmun Immersion 2023

On Thursday 23 November, 3 staff and 14 Year 11 students embarked on a trip of a lifetime to the remote Kimberley community of Warmun. The morning began with a short flight from Perth domestic airport to Kununurra. Upon arrival we collected our two vehicles and headed to our accommodation for the night, Discovery Park in Kununurra. After settling into our rooms and unpacking we set off to the local Coles supermarket where we spent the best part of an hour doing our shopping for the week.

As it was hot and humid, students then decided to take advantage of the swimming pool which was a nice relief from the humidity. After a Subway dinner we all got a pleasant surprise on our walk, coming across a freshwater crocodile, so of course photos were taken, from a safe distance!

Friday morning saw us leave early for the 2-hour drive to Warmun. There is a customary stop at a small roadhouse (Doon Doon) which cooks up the most amazing chips, which we ordered and had for breakfast, not one student complained. On arrival in Warmun we went to our accommodation for the week (Mirilinki). After being allocated our rooms, we quickly unpacked and placed our food into the kitchen.

We then went to meet the staff and students at Ngalangalangpum School where we were greeted with amazing smiles and enthusiasm. Cecil and Benita, two local teachers, blessed us with a Smoking Ceremony, which was a very emotional blessing to country.

Assistant Principal, Katie, gave us a quick tour of the school so everyone could see where we would be working throughout the week. We all then went back to Mirilinki and settled in for the night.

Most mornings, staff and students would take a walk or watch the beautiful sunrises that the Kimberley has to offer. Throughout the week students were helping in classes or preparing meals for local students. All students would be active in assisting classroom teachers with the lessons for the day. Afternoons were either spent at the pool, swimming with the locals, or relaxing back at our accommodation.

On Saturday, Vice Principal Mrs Cosgrove joined us in Warmun, where she oversaw the planning and running of the senior students’ School Ball, which was a great night for all students and staff. Our students decorated the hall, which was a tremendous success. Mrs Cosgrove was also instrumental in providing the dinner for the Wanganal event, where locals enjoyed meals such as Lasagna, bush turkey, kangaroo tail, fried rice, and curried sausages. We all enjoyed some fried damper which was made by the aboriginal Teaching Assistants.

Cecil organised two great outings on the first weekend we were there, a trip out to Bow River, and to see a massive Boab tree. The highlight was a drive out to Winnepa Springs where we received a water blessing from Traditional Owners Evelyn and Lucinda, before we could enter the water. The sight of a waterfall and spring was truly an amazing sight so deep into the landscape. We were treated to a special lunch where Cecil cooked up three kangaroo tails on an open fire, which most of us tried.

Staff and students were blessed to be immersed in the language and culture of this vibrant community of Warmun. Our students deeply appreciate the enriching experience of living remotely and skillfully embraced every opportunity presented to them.

Mr Mario Marciano
Design & Technologies Teacher