Modern History Excursion to Fremantle

On Friday 5 May, Year 11 General Modern History students travelled to Fremantle to tour the city and the Fremantle Prison. We first arrived at the City of Fremantle Town Hall where we met our tour guide, Vaughn. He told us stories and facts about Fremantle that left us eager to explore all the historical sights. Vaughn took us on a walking tour of Fremantle, stopping to admire small, almost unnoticeable murals which told the stories of important Australian figures from Fremantle. We then visited the Roundhouse where we admired the view and learnt even more about the history of Fremantle.

Once the tour concluded, we made our way to the Fremantle Markets where we were able to walk around and grab something to eat before our next venture to Fremantle Prison. As a class, we all agreed that the tour of the Fremantle Prison was the highlight of our day. We were very grateful for our tour guide Courtney for being so informative and patient as she told us stories about the inmates while we made our way through the prison. This certainly helped us to imagine how the prisoners lived in those circumstances.

We arrived back to school with our knowledge of the history of Fremantle expanded and we were all inspired to ask more questions about the stories of the people who made Fremantle what it is today.

We would like to say a big thank you to Mr Boyer and Miss Xanthis for organising and supervising the excursion. Without them, the day wouldn’t have operated as smoothly and efficiently as it did and we certainly wouldn’t have had the day that we did without them there.

Year 11 General Modern History student