Rock the Chop!

On Tuesday 11 May, Emmanuel Catholic College students took part in a wonderful student led initiative, Rock the Chop, in support of the Cancer Council’s Ponytail Project. What began as an idea by Student Leader Isabelle Ward towards the end of Year 11, resulted in a staggering $17,794 being raised to help find a cure for Cancer!

The Cancer Council supports families affected by Cancer when they need it most, informing the community on Cancer issues, empowering people to reduce their Cancer risk and finding new ways to better detect and treat Cancer. The purpose of the program is to raise funds for the charity and to donate the ponytails, which are used to create wigs for children and adults suffering from Cancer and Alopecia.

There were certainly a lot of ponytails donated from Emmanuel!

Students from all year groups were inspired by their Year 12 peers event. Donations were made and activities organised in support of the 29 students and 2 staff volunteering to chop off their hair. Year 9 students even created a ‘Rock the Sock’ event where students were encouraged to wear colourful and crazy socks to the College Interhouse Cross Country Carnival for a gold coin donation.

The whole Emmanuel community came together to show their support, not only with monetary donations but with parents giving their time and expertise to cut our volunteers hair.

With the creation of Rock the Chop, Emmanuel Catholic College students showed their passion and desire to support others in the community, demonstrating how deeply they value the Christian Service Learning Program at the College.