Yanchep National Park Camp

During Week 8, the Year 10 Bush Rangers went on camp to Yanchep National Park. This was an insightful journey where we were able to learn many new skills and develop an understanding of the conservation practices learned in class.

The first day was a great success even though we went through many hardships and challenges. We experienced a delayed start to camp, but quickly adapted to the situations presented. The group experienced many troubles with our tents due to the weather, and due to Mr McGough forgetting the tent pegs! After setting up the tents in the rain we went on a 12km hike around the National Park which helped develop our leadership skills and resilience.

On the second day our activities including Caving and Zip Lining through the trees. As part of our partnership with National Parks and Wildlife, we volunteered in Boomerang Gorge to remove weeds that didn’t belong there which helps to preserve the natural wildlife in that area.

The last day was a relaxing day at the beach, having a go at fishing and observing the impacts of plastic pollution on the environment. We all enjoyed fish and chips for lunch!

The camp was an intuitive experience for our class and many real life and practical skills were learned along the way.

A big thank you to Mr McGough, Miss Milne, Ms Huston and Mr Christmas for organising the camp and giving up their time to attend.

Ava – Year 10 Bush Rangers Student