Bibbulumn Track

In Week 8 the Year 9 Bush Ranger classes of Miss Milne and Mr McGough travelled to Sullivan Rock to begin their hike south towards Mt Cooke as part of the Bush Ranger modules to develop leadership and witness the conservation strategies used in our state Parks. The practical component of the Bush Rangers program is an important part of developing understanding of the learning modules covered in class.

Led by experienced hiker Mrs Cosgrove the students set off at a cracking pace eventually covering over 16kms for the day. The students got close to the summit of Mt Cooke experienced views across the state forest.

A highlight of the day was finding a hiker’s lost binoculars he had brought in Ireland. We exchanged numbers and called him with the news we had found his much-loved Binoculars. He was extremely grateful when he picked them up at the College a week later telling us we had restored his faith in humanity!

The students demonstrated a high level of organisation and commitment with all students enjoying the challenging and rewarding experience. They should all be proud of the manner they approached this hike.

Mr Mark McGough – Director of Environmental Education