What is the project you have been working on?
For Imogen’s Graphic Design ATAR subject she was asked to design a logo for a company of her own choice, either a pre-existing or made-up company. The logo design was to be full of colour and applied to a variety of contexts including compliments slips, business cards, uniform, tags, as well as an advertisement. The submission had to include fourteen pages including research, entire design process, investigation, and responses using Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Imogen created a logo design for Miss Maud as she wanted to design a logo for a pastry brand and Miss Maud’s was celebrating their 50th anniversary.
What inspires your love and passion for the Arts?
Imogen’s love for the arts was established in her childhood being involved in the Arts since she was young. She always loved making little sketches resulting in many filled up sketchbooks. She used a range of tools such as pencils, Aquarell watercolour Pencils, watercolour paints, Stockmar wax block crayons and Waldorf coloured pencils. Art is all around her as she has shown her love for playing the flute as well. Imogen described how she loves the satisfaction you get from completing an artwork and the process involved in coming up with new ideas – then seeing it come to life!

Some advice to a student who is finding their project challenging would be?
Imogen’s advice is that within Art, specifically Graphic design, is that there isn’t a certain way your art is supposed to be created, Art is an expression of yourself.
Art students should pick a design and create it to the best of their ability while enjoying the process. She also advises that you should consult with your teacher if you get stuck with anything, as they will give advice and guidance in your work.
Having done both Art and Graphic design for many years Imogen has found Graphic Design to be a great way to express her artistic abilities as well her skills with a computer. “Art is a great opportunity to experiment with different mediums, such as oil paint, clay, pencils, ink and even recycled material.”